The 4 Popular Components of Multigrain Flour

The 4 Popular Components of Multigrain Flour


The 4 Popular Components of Multigrain Flour

Organic Food

As the name suggests, multigrain flour is a combination of flours made out of multiple varieties of grains.

Each type of grain has its nutritious properties that help in keeping the human body healthy. Indians use cereals and grains every day in preparing various food items.

All different grains must be included in the daily diet to gain nutrition from various sources.

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Components of Multigrain Flour

The more common grains that make up multigrain flour to gain multigrain flour benefits are Bajra, Jowar, Whole Wheat, and Ragi. Each of these is rich in specific nutrients that, together, make for a very healthy combination. There are a multitude of multigrain flour benefits. Read below how each grain separately contributes to overall health and nutrition.


  • The English word for Bajra is pearl millet. It is rich in fibre, phosphorous, and magnesium.
  • This flour made from the bajra grain is gluten-free. It is especially suitable for those who are looking to lose weight and maintain fitness.
  • The complexity of carbohydrates in this grain does not digest easily. So, by remaining in the stomach, it provides energy to the body for a longer time. Also, the fibre content is good for people with diabetes who should consume a more fibrous diet to control sugar levels.
  • Bajra is rich in magnesium, which like the United States National Institutes of Health suggests, is good for overall cardiovascular health. Bajra is a crucial component of the multigrain flour benefits.


  • Jowar is Sorghum, a gluten-free grain.
  • According to Netmeds, jowar contains antioxidants that help in the prevention of cancer.
  • LDL Cholesterol levels, if not managed, could lead to blockage of arteries and heart disease. Jowar helps in controlling the ‘bad cholesterol’ in the body, as it contains vitamins A and E, and magnesium.
  • Jowar provides the body with 28% of vitamin B3, which provides the body with energy throughout the day.

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  • Wheat contains gluten, which gives elasticity to the flour. Gluten in large quantities is bad for the body. However, in getting the best multigrain flour benefits, the addition of wheat is good for digestive health.
  • Since wheat is mostly made up of carbohydrates, it is a good substitute for rice in the case of people with diabetes. Compared to rice, wheat is digested slowly and provides constant energy to the body.
  • Organic wheat flour is made using the whole grain, including bran, germ, and endosperm, which contain the most nutrition. If multigrain flour is not available, in moderation, c is better than white wheat flour.


  • Ragi or finger millets, extremely popular in Maharashtra and Karnataka, are an excellent source of iron and help in preventing anaemia.
  • Ragi, when consumed as a whole grain, has higher protein levels than all other cereals. Even the grinding process does not eliminate the nutrition of Ragi.
  • The calcium content in Ragi is excellent for promoting bone health. In India, Ragi flour is used in porridges when introducing solid foods to infants.
  • The amino acids present in Ragi, as mentioned by Medindia, help in the general metabolism of the body, and in removing unwanted fat.
  • Multigrain flour benefits are huge if Ragi is included in the mix.

Multigrain Flour Benefits With Nutritional Composition

Nutritional Information Bajra Jowar Whole Wheat Ragi
Calories 378 339 339 328
Total Fat 4.2 g 3.5 g 2.5 g 1.3 gm
Sodium 5 mg 6 mg 2 mg 11 mg
Carbohydrates 73 g 75 g 71 g 72 gm
Protein 11 g 11 g 14 g 7.3 gm
Potassium 195 mg 672 mg 431 mg 408 mg


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The multigrain flour benefits that can be gained by consuming these different grains are innumerable. However, it is not possible to consume every grain at every meal.

Replacing ordinary wheat flour with multigrain flour helps in including the nutrition of each grain into one healthy food. Flatbreads made out of multigrain flour, are more nutritious than using only wheat flour, or only plain flour. The multigrain flour benefits from all the grains combined outweigh single grain flours.

There are many brands now available in the market that make and sell organic whole grain multigrain flour to get the best out of multigrain flour benefits.


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