Cake Recipe with Mustard Oil has Benefits - 24 Mantra Organic

Cake Recipe with Mustard Oil has Benefits - 24 Mantra Organic


This Cake Recipe with Mustard Oil has Benefits


Cakes are one of the most wonderful dessert delights that everyone craves for once in a while. Although these may not be deemed essentially healthy, you can enhance their health coefficient by using healthy ingredients in their baking process.

A recipe is all about the ingredients that are put in, and the same goes for cake as well. A mustard oil cake is a healthy take on the dessert that not only has a delicious taste but also has a few health benefits as well. Mustard oil has a high smoke point that makes it perfect for baking purposes and the fact that it is readily available in a majority of Indian households, is a cherry on the top!


A mustard oil cake can be the perfect dessert for elderly birthday parties, or just for anyone looking to add a dash of nutritional value to the otherwise grease-laden cake recipes. In this post, we will be looking at all the steps involved in making a delectable eggless mustard oil cake. Let’s begin!


Mustard Oil Cake Ingredients

Are you excited to begin with the unique recipe of a mustard oil cake? Let’s begin with the list of required ingredients.

  • 1¼ cup organic whole wheat flour
  • 1½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¾ cup condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 4 tablespoon mustard oil (extra for greasing)


Since we are using condensed milk in the recipe, we can skip adding extra sugar to the recipe as condensed milk already has a sufficient quantity of dissolved sugars. Moreover, the ingredient list for mustard oil cake is not too expansive that results in easy to follow recipe. Let’s begin with the steps!


Mustard Oil Cake Recipe

How do you differentiate between a good or a bad cake? The first thing that we notice is the sponginess of the cake and how well it rises during the baking process. Since we are not using eggs in the recipe, we need to properly use baking soda and baking powder to enhance the cake’s texture and make it spongy. Here is the detailed recipe for the mustard oil cake.

  • We will begin by mixing the baking soda, baking powder and refined flour in a bowl.
  • Using a sieve, gently refine the mixture so that any lumps are separated and the powder achieves a uniform, consistent texture.
  • Take a large bowl and the pour condensed milk and mustard oil in it.
  • Now, add the vanilla essence to the mix and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Once everything is mixed together, add the sieved flour mixture and mix again using a spatula.
  • If the mixture seems too thick, you can add around 4-5 tablespoons of water and improve its consistency. You can also use milk instead of water to enhance the flavour.
  • Gently mix everything with a spatula until the batter flows down from the spatula, if tilted.
  • Now, set your oven to pre-heat at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • Take a baking pan and grease it generously with mustard oil.
  • Dust the pan with flour and ensure that no oil residue is visible anywhere in the pan. Dusting the pan is essential as it inhibits the mustard oil in getting mixed in the batter.
  • Pour the batter from the bowl to the flour-dusted baking pan. Tap the pan gently so that the batter settles down evenly. Scrape the sides of the bowl using a spatula to ensure no batter gets wasted.
  • Put the pan in the pre-heated oven and allow it to bake for 40-45 minutes.
  • You can put a tooth-pick or a knife to check the readiness of the mustard oil cake. If the toothpick comes out clean, the cake is ready. You will also notice that the cake has started to leave the sides.
  • Before taking the cake out from the mould, allow it to cool for about 20 minutes. This is crucial as a hot cake might break into pieces while removing from the mould.
  • Finally, remove the cake from the mould by overturning the mould on a plate and tapping gently on the back.
  • Your healthy mustard oil cake recipe is ready!


If you are tired of the unhealthy options available in the market, this mustard oil cake recipe can surely bring you closer to your health goals. Organic mustard oil has numerous health benefiting properties and can make your delicious cake wholesome in terms of its nutrient constituents.

Organic mustard oil also has a rich nutrient profile and is guaranteed to be free from harmful pesticides that are usually used in the cultivation of inorganic food items. Using mustard oil in the baking process will give a unique taste to your cake while enhancing its nutrient fortification.


Recipe Tips

If you are preparing the mustard oil cake for the first time, these tips can prove to be valuable for you.

  • Pre-heating the oven is important as it helps you in rightly estimating the baking time.
  • If you bake the cake at a very high temperature, it will rise temporarily but will deflate thereafter.
  • Ensure that you sieve all the ingredients as this helps in lightening the flour and also gets rid of any impurities.
  • You can add roasted dry-fruits too as garnishing.

So there you go folks. That was our take on cakes made using organic mustard oil. Hope you found it informative.

Try 24 Mantra Organics’s Mustard Oil and taste the goodness of mustard oil cake.

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