Banana for weight loss | 24 Mantra Organic

Banana for weight loss


Are Bananas Fattening or Weight Loss Friendly?

Health and Nutrition

banana for weight loss:

Fruits are a vital part of a balanced diet. Fruits are a rich source of micronutrients, vitamins (vitamin C, Vitamin A, folic acid) and minerals (potassium, magnesium). While cooking there are vitamin losses especially vitamin C, therefore, fruits (especially banana for weight loss) which are mostly eaten raw are rich sources of vitamin C.

Banana is a tropical fruit based on the origin and temperature of the area where it grows. It grows abundantly in tropical rain forest areas (1). banana for weight loss is the fourth most important cultivated crop in developing countries.

Banana belongs to the genus Musa and family Musaceae. It is a versatile fruit, it can be eaten raw, cooked, roasted, brewed also and research has proved the effectiveness of banana for weight loss(2).

 Composition of banana for weight loss:

The major component of bananas is water, almost 75 %. The calorific value of 100 grams of banana is 89 kcals (3). One medium-sized banana which weighs about 118 grams provides about 105 kcals (4).

Macronutrients in banana

Banana has about 23 grams of carbohydrate per 100 grams, hence banana are known to keep you less hungry and banana for weight loss. Out of the carbohydrate present in banana half of it is in the form of sugars, that is about 14 grams (4).

The calories banana supplies come from the carbohydrate content as the other macronutrients, protein (1.09 %) and fat (0.33 %) are present only in trace amounts. Because of the sugars and energy value, it makes a good fruit for an athlete and also banana for weight loss (5).

The glycaemic index (GI) of banana is 51, it falls between low to moderate GI value.

The unripe banana carbohydrate contains about 73 % starch and by the time the banana ripened starch became less than 1 %. Unripe banana starch contains about 17 % resistant starch makes banana for weight loss (6).

Dietary fiber

A medium-sized banana has about 3 % fiber. Dietary fiber is the carbohydrate that resists digestion and aiding banana for weight loss Banana is known to regulate bowel movement whether it is constipation or diarrhoea (5).

Micronutrients and phytochemicals

Banana (100 grams) is a good source of potassium about 358 mg, magnesium 27 mg, vitamin C 8.7 mg, folate 20 micrograms and vitamin A 3 micrograms (4). There are other vitamins and minerals are present but in very small quantities, which makes banana for weight loss the best option.

Bananas also contain phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds and carotenoids which exhibit antioxidant activity (1). Phytonutrients or bioactive compounds as they are also called have several health-promoting properties.

 Will banana make you fat or is banana for weight loss?

Bananas are low-calorie food because a medium-sized banana (118 grams) gives you 105 kcal. For the number of micronutrients and phytochemicals banana provides it is not a high-calorie food, hence banana for weight loss

It contains about 3 % dietary fiber. It can be said that banana is neither fattening nor weight loss friendly. It depends upon how many you eat and how ripe they are. The unripe banana has a good amount of resistant starch and dietary fiber therefore it may to a certain extent keep you from feeling hungry for a while.

If you over eat ripe banana for weight loss they will add to the sugar content and calorie content of the diet. These calories will add to the total calories and may lead to putting on weight.


Final word:

According to WHO a person should eat 400 grams of fruits and vegetables a day to reduce the risk of chronic diseases (7). As part of a balanced diet the 2 or 3 fruits you eat, one of them could be banana for weight loss.

Incorporate banana in moderation into your diet. But make sure you eat other fruits too, variety and moderation are the crux of a healthy balanced diet.



  1. Sidhu, J. S. and Zafar, T. A. (2018) Bioactive compounds in banana fruits and their health benefits, Food Quality and Safety. Vol. 2 (4).
  1. Perrier, X., De Langhe, E., Donohue, M., Lentfer, C., Vrydaghs, L., Bakry, F., Carreel,  F., Hippolyte, I., Horry, J., Jenny, Ch., Lebot, V., Risterucci, A., Tomekpe, K., Doutrelepont, H., Ball, T., Manwaring, J., de Maret, P. and Denham, T. (2011) Multidisciplinary perspectives on banana (Musa) domestication, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Vol. 108(28).
  1. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Legacy Release, United States, Department of Agriculture.
  1. Nieman, D. C., Gillitt, N. D., Henson, D. A., Sha, W., Shanely, R. A., Knab, A. M., Cialdella-Kam, L. and Jin, F. (2012). Bananas as an energy source during exercise: a metabolomics approach. PloS one. Vol. 7 (5).
  1. Singh, R., Kaushik, R. and Gosewade, S. (2018) Bananas as underutilized fruit having huge potential as raw materials for food and non-food processing industries: A brief review, The Pharma Innovation Journal. Vol. 7(6).
  1. G. and Manoj. S. (2014) A Review on Banana Starch, Inventi Rapid: Planta Activa. Vol. 2014 (3).
  2. World Health Organization (2019). Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

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