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Green tea is prepared from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make Oolong teas and black teas. Green tea has been used for its medicinal value since ancient times.
Green tea is endowed with a large number of health benefits. It has antioxidant activity, anti-carcinogenic activity and so on. But nothing is good when taken in excessive amounts. In this article we talk about the side effects of green tea if taken in excessive amounts.
Caffeine in green tea
Caffeine is the most commonly consumed psychoactive drug in the world (1).
Green tea contains caffeine along with other constituents such as catechins. A cup of green tea (180 to 240 ml) may contain about 30 to 60 mg of caffeine (2).
Based on the literature reviewed it was concluded that a healthy adult can take up to 400 mg of caffeine, without facing any side effects of green tea. This amount was not linked to any negative effects such as cardiovascular system, bones, calcium balance, behaviour or any other system in the body (3).
The consumption of less than 200 mg of caffeine is recommended for pregnant and lactating women (4, 5). One gets caffeine from other sources such as chocolates, coffee, desserts, some medications etc throughout the day.
Therefore, to avoid any side effects of green tea, pregnant and lactating women should keep the consumption to minimum one or two cups a day based on the other caffeine-based foods they consume.
Green tea tannins affect iron absorption
Tannins in green tea have the effect of binding with non-heme iron, that is the iron from plant sources (2). Therefore, it affects the iron absorption in the body. Do not have tea for a couple of hours after a meal to make sure maximum iron is absorbed.
According to a case report, side effects of green tea consumption in excessive amounts may lead to iron deficiency i.e. anaemia (6).
Green tea and dehydration
Green tea is a natural diuretic. Intake of more than 5 cups of green tea may cause excessive urination. This condition may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance (2). Dehydration may again cause other side effects of green tea such as headaches, fatigue and altered heart rate (2).
Green tea and folate
One of the side effects of green tea is that it may inhibit absorption of folate, that is another form of B vitamin folic acid, which may also lead to anaemia (2).
Final word
Everything is good in moderation. 2 cups of green tea a day would be a decent amount to take, which will ensure that you are free of any side effects of green tea. There are several foods in nature which contribute towards health so why not take a variety of foods and beverages in moderation.
Our 24 Mantra Organic Green Tea is of premium quality and sourced from the highest altitudes of Nilgiri Hills. It can be a perfect alternative to the sugar laden tea. It is a very small step to be taken and with significant health promoting benefits.