Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
Almonds are a well-known superfood. The nutty taste and dense texture of the tree nut make it the go-to snack for health-conscious individuals.
Using almonds in daily diet has increased in recent times due to the popularity of the vegan diet. Nutritionally a single serving of almonds provides 165 calories. The protein content in almonds is around 6 grams, carbohydrates around 6 grams, and about 3 grams of fibre. A modest amount of your daily requirement of nutrients gets fulfilled by consuming almonds.
If almonds are such a great nutrition source, do you think they are good to be consumed by babies?
The answer is yes. However, before you start giving your babies almonds, you need to take care of a few things first. Babies should have passed the age when they can start solid food, i.e., they must be at least 6 months in age. You should ensure that your child is not allergic to almonds – try a small spoonful of almond paste or some other soft preparation early in the morning to rule out allergies.
When you are choosing almonds as an option for babies, ensure that the almonds are organically produced. This makes sure the almonds are free from pesticides, taste better, and make the environment sustainable for future generations.
Almonds are a good choice if you want your babies to gain healthy weight without stuffing them with excess food.
A good portion of the nutrients in almonds are composed of calcium and phosphorous. The two are a few of the more essential nutrients that help in making the bones and teeth strong. In growing babies, especially babies learning to walk and talk, it is necessary to provide them with adequate nutrition. Osteoporosis can afflict the bones in old age, can be prevented or pushed back by consuming almonds right from a young age.
Constipation and colic are quite frequent in babies as they adjust to more solid food choices in their diet. Once the babies have adjusted to include almonds in their diet, almonds for babies can be included once a week. The fibre content in almonds makes it one of the best choices of including fibrous food in babies’ daily diet.
Free radicals in the environment enter the body through breath and skin and cause harm to organs. The antioxidants in almonds help by eliminating the free radicals and clearing impurities from the body. As the immunity system in children develops and becomes stronger as they grow, the antioxidants in almonds help in this task. A stronger immune system means babies fall sick less often.
Babies need a lot of energy to keep them zipping along exploring the new things in their environment. A single serving of almond can provide more than 150 kcal of energy. The energy gained from almonds for babies is enough to keep them active for a longer time.
Almonds are a good source of riboflavin and L-Carnitine, which are known to promote brain health. Consuming almonds right from a young age could help in preventing Alzheimer’s – which affects the brain and causes memory loss. Almonds for babies also help in strengthening the nervous system and improving reflexes.
Babies need the right nutrients to help them grow into strong and healthy individuals. Choosing to include almonds in babies’ diet is a smart parenting choice and will help children grow into their full potential.
However, you should ensure that you speak to your paediatrician before making any new inclusions to your child’s diet.
Try 24 Mantra Organic’s Almonds and savour the taste of organic goodness.