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High blood pressure which is also called hypertension is a disorder in which the blood vessels have elevated pressure continuously. Hypertension is a silent killer as you cannot see any major high BP symptoms early on. But the heart and blood vessels are subjected to extra load which is harmful.
Blood is pumped into the arteries by the heart from where blood is circulated to all the parts of the body. As the heart pumps blood into the arteries blood pushes against the walls of the blood vessels and blood pressure is created. The higher the blood pressure the harder the heart has to work to pump blood.
According to WHO an estimated 1.13 billion people in the world have hypertension, most of them living in low- and middle-income countries. In 2015, 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women were affected by hypertension. It is one of the main reasons for death in the world.
What are the main high BP symptoms?
Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers. Systolic the first number which is higher and it records the pressure in blood vessels when the heart contracts to pump blood into the blood vessels. The diastolic pressure is the lower number which is recorded when the heart relaxes between beats.
Hypertension is diagnosed when it is measured on two different days, the systolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥140 mmHg and/or the diastolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥90 mmHg.
Causes of hypertension:
In most cases, high BP symptoms are often not known. There may be an underlying health reason. But there are certain factors which increase the chances of a person’s blood pressure to be elevated.
Medical issues which may lead to hypertension
Risk factors which raise the chances of developing hypertension
Here are some risk factors a person may have which may increase the chance of developing hypertension.
The only way to identify high BP symptoms or hypertension is to get it checked regularly.
High BP symptoms
Most of the time people are unaware that they have hypertension as there are no warning signs or symptoms.
If there are high BP symptoms, they generally are:
Severe high BP symptoms may also include:
Diagnosis and treatment
It is recommended to get your blood pressure checked by your health provider on a regular basis. If the diagnosis after measuring blood pressure on 2 consecutive days is hypertension, then your health provider will start the treatment and hence identifying these high BP symptoms is always the first step.
Depending on the severity they may suggest lifestyle modifications, or they may also prescribe medication along with suggestion about lifestyle changes.
Uncontrolled hypertension can cause serious damage to heart and may cause other problems too such as kidney damage and stroke.
Diet and lifestyle modifications to control hypertension
Taking certain precautions with diet can help in controlling hypertension.
Final word
Hypertension if uncontrolled can cause serious damage to health. Identify the early high BP symptoms and get your blood pressure checked by your health provider regularly. Whatever the doctor suggests, medication or lifestyle modification or both, follow and control your blood pressure.