Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health (1). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.
And the numbers are not going to come down unless all of us do something about it. In some case’s there is a medical condition because of which a person cannot lose weight, otherwise, obesity is preventable. So, how to lose weight in 7 days? Before we answer that question, let’s answer a few more.
Who wants to lose weight?
Literally everyone these days wants to lose weight. People want to lose weight not only for aesthetic reason but also health is another major reason. The awareness about how obesity and overweight can cause health complications have given rise to the urge to maintain a healthy weight.
How much weight to lose in 7 days?
Yes, it is easy to put on weight but it’s hard to lose weight and it is even harder to maintain the ideal weight once it is achieved, especially if you’re thinking of how to lose weight in 7 days. It is very important not to do any crash dieting because it is something that cannot be sustained for a long period of time.
Guidelines by reputed international organizations state that 1 to 2 pounds or 0.5 to 1 kilogram of weight loss is a healthy weight loss (2, 3). This weight loss can be achieved by reducing 500-kilo calories a day for a week.
Of course, more weight than this can be lost but then there are more chances of putting it back on when you stop your weight loss program.
Adopting unhealthy weight loss practices such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking to cut down appetite, too much exercise, consuming stimulants and so on will help reducing weight but cannot be done for a long time or may give rise to health problems. And this leads to gaining the weight back (4).
So, how to lose weight in 7 days?
It is always better to take a professional’s help. Taking into consideration your dietary habits and physical activity patterns and most important any medical conditions you may have, a diet chart will be prepared.
An expert will help you understand how to lose weight in 7 days and cut your calorie intake without you becoming deficient in any of the essential nutrients.
Find a fitness expert who will help you plan an exercise regimen that suits your body. This will help in retaining muscle mass, otherwise weight loss does not mean that you will lose only fat you will lose some of the precious muscle mass also.
Here are a few pointers on how to lose weight in 7 days
Final word
Losing weight in a gradual manner will help you sustain it better when you go on a maintenance diet. And remember being healthy is more important than being reed thin! And that every individual is unique, what suits one may not be good for another. Follow a plan that suits you.
So the answer to how to lose weight in 7 days, is to remember there is no magic potion that makes you lose weight in a jiffy!