Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
potassium deficiency:
Potassium is a vital nutrient, hence potassium deficiency can cause a lot of troubles. The symbol of potassium is K because in Latin it is known as Kalium. It is found in the intracellular fluid where it plays an important role in regulating cell functions and hence potassium deficiency can cause serious conditions (1).
Potassium is the main intracellular cation involved in membrane potential, electrical excitation of both nerve and muscle cells and acid-base regulation (2).
What does potassium do in the body?
Sources of potassium
Potassium is mostly found in fruits and vegetables. Potato is the richest source of potassium of all foods (4).
Nuts, soft drinks, cereal and cereal products, milk and milk products are good sources of potassium. Bananas are also a rich source of potassium. Green leafy vegetables and root vegetables also provide potassium (2). And it is important to include all of these in one’s diet to avoid potassium deficiency
How much potassium does one need?
To accurately determine the requirement for dietary potassium intake is difficult. It depends on factors such as energy needs and intake of sodium. It also depends on genetics and blood pressure (1). To avoid potassium deficiency, one must take an adequate intake for potassium i.e. 4.7 gm/day for adults (2, 5).
Health benefits potassium exhibits
A high potassium intake seems to have protective effects on
The reasons for these protective effects could be because potassium lowers blood pressure, it may be effective in reducing stroke and could help prevent chronic kidney damage. Increasing daily potassium intake helps to reduce calcium excretion in the urine and may have a beneficial effect on bone health one of the many conditions resulting from potassium deficiency (2).
Evidence says that potassium may also have a positive effect on glucose control hence good for people with diabetes (1).
Effect of potassium deficiency
Potassium deficiency is seen rarely as a number of foods provide potassium. But there are certain conditions in which potassium deficiency may be seen. Continuous use of laxatives and diuretics may result in decrease in potassium levels in the body. People who use laxatives and diuretics on a regular basis should seek medical attention. Their doctors should monitor potassium levels in the body at regular intervals.
People who throw up regularly intentionally or otherwise also may indicate signs of potassium deficiency in their body. Intake of diets containing very low number of calories may also lead to low levels of potassium in the body (5). When potassium levels in plasma are higher than normal the condition is called hyperkalemia (6).
Potassium overdose
Healthy individuals consuming normal dietary intakes of potassium are unlikely to experience potassium deficiency or toxicity. Excess potassium intake via supplements may increase levels of potassium in the body and the condition is called hyperkalemia (6).
High blood concentrations of potassium can result in
Chronic damage to the kidneys and certain medications can also lead to the presence of high potassium levels in the body if dietary intake of potassium is not controlled.
Potassium is an essential mineral and it performs several important functions in the body. It is the main cation in the intracellular fluid and is important for functions such as regulation of acid base balance. Therefore, ensure that you include fruits and vegetable which are good sources of potassium in your diet to avoid potassium deficiency.