Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
It is an immutable fact that sugar is not technically a health food. However, it gets a bad rap when you think of all the tips that ask you to eliminate sugar for weight loss.
For starters, sugar is naturally present everywhere! Whether you are binging on choco chip cookies or consuming a bowl of watermelon – both contain varying amounts of sugar. Similarly, fruits, milk, cheese, and even some grains contain sugar. So if you are thinking of cutting down sugar for weight loss, you will be left with very few food options!
So let us bust the common myths surrounding sugar and figure out how you can use sugar for weight loss!
Here’s what you need to know about the lies that you have been told about sugar for weight loss:
As stated previously, you do not have to discard all your sugar for weight loss. What you need to address is the added sugar incorporated in foods to make them taste better. Natural sugars are healthier as they are present in fruits, vegetables, and dairy items that also contain traces of vitamins and minerals that are good for you!
Interestingly, even the healthiest of diets have some room for added sugar! According to the US Dietary Guidelines, adults can consume a maximum of 50 grams of sugar. On the other hand, the American Heart Association states that you can consume as high as 25g (for women) and 36g (for men) of sugar.
So while you cannot binge on sugar for weight loss, you can consume very limited quantities.
Scientists have discovered that sugar excites the neurons that mimic the feeling of accomplishment, pleasure, or reward. However, The Internation Food Information Council Foundation cleared that while the effects are similar, sugar cravings are not identical to drug addiction.
You will notice a positive effect when you limit sugar for weight loss. However, your weight loss is a result of your net calorific intake. For instance, if you are consuming 600 calories in the form of buttered aloo parathas as opposed to your 200 calories of yoghurt with a drizzle of honey, you will not register any weight loss. Thus, the best alternative is to consume low sugar versions of your regular foods.
Now that you understand that sugar is not all that bad, you may wonder, “Are sugar-free biscuits good for weight loss? Are they even healthy?” The answer to this question primarily depends on the ingredient that is the alternative of sugar for weight loss used in the recipe.
If you wish to switch to sugar substitutes for weight loss, here are a few artificial sweeteners that you can consider:
Do bear in mind that the above alternatives of sugar are not natural. The Canadian Medical Association Journal had even published a report that suggested that sugar alternatives like saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame contribute to weight gain!
Thus, it is always advisable to consume a more natural and organic version of sugar or sweetener for weight loss. These include:
An occasional sugar treat may not derail you from your weight loss journey. Try to stick to minimally processed organic products. As long as you keep your sugar intake in check while following a healthy diet, you will notice that sugar for weight loss is indeed possible!