
Wheatgrass Benefits and Usage

Health and Nutrition

What Is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. It grows in temperate regions throughout Europe and the United States and can live indoors or outdoors. Many people grow their own wheatgrass by putting wheat seeds in water and then harvesting the leaves.

Wheatgrass is a natural source of vitamins and minerals (a few of which are antioxidants) including: Vitamins A, E, C, K, B6, Calcium, Selenium, Magnesium & Iron

Various benefits of Wheatgrass –

Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available today. Wheatgrass juice contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important blood builder. The chlorophyll molecules closely resemble that of the hemin molecule, the pigment which combines with protein to form hemoglobin. Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants, but wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 115 minerals from the soil.

The bland soothing effect of chlorophyll (wheatgrass) ointments are very beneficial to the treatment of various skin diseases involving the outer and underlying layers of the skin, including: itching and burning of the rectum; ivy poisoning; weeping and dry eczema and even in conditions caused by insect bites or infection.

Liquid chlorophyll washes drug deposits, neutralizes toxins, helps purify the liver and improves blood sugar problems.

A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet helps prevent tooth decay and will help eliminate toothache.

Overall Wheatgrass helps oxygenate the body, boost metabolism, rebuilds blood cells, restores fertility, rebuilds damaged tissues, improves digestion, boosts the immune system and a lot more.

How can you include wheatgrass into your diet?

Fresh Wheatgrass juice – Fresh wheatgrass juice can be made at home or it can be got at juice bars. You can buy fresh wheatgrass in a food store and use a wheatgrass juicer to masticate it into juice.

Drink fresh juiced wheat grass alongside other fruits and vegetables, such as berries, bananas, spinach and apples. Use pleasant-tasting items high in antioxidants to mask the flavor of wheat grass and encourage removal of toxins. The wheat grass detox diet calls for a 1-ounce “shot” of wheat grass before each meal.

Here are some other recipes to make wheatgrass juices –

Fruit smoothie: For this, you can blend ½ a banana, 1 cup frozen berries or mangoes, 1 cup water and around 2 fluid ounces of wheatgrass juice together. Add water according to the thickness you desire. Drink this smoothie fresh and cold.

Easy juice using a blender: Take ½ cup of freshly cut wheatgrass (bought or homegrown). Add 2-3 cups of water and blend at high speed in a fruit or vegetable blender for at least one minute. The pulp will float to the top. Strain this juice and add some fresh lemon juice. Lemon gives a fresh, tangy flavor to the juice. Drink this economical and no-fuss juice immediately to enjoy the best benefits.

Rising Sun: You can make this juice using 2 ounces of organic wheatgrass juice and 6 ounces lemonade.

Solarizer: Blend 1 ounce organic wheatgrass juice and 6 ounces of carrot juice. Drink this immediately.

Savory juice (green juice): This variant includes 2 oz fresh wheatgrass, 3 stalks of celery, 2 medium-sized cucumbers, fresh parsley (1/2 cup) and a few fresh spinach leaves (about 5 will do). Cut all the vegetables into small bits. Place in juicer, add required amount of water and blend well.

Fruit Cocktail (Sweet Grass Special): This recipe requires 1 large orange, 2 red apples, and pinch of ground cinnamon powder, 1 oz fresh wheatgrass and 1 tsp organic honey. Once the fruits are blended well, combine the other ingredients in a pitcher. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder on top and enjoy this refreshing cocktail.

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