Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
When we think of proteins, we often think of egg, meat and milk products, but did you know brown rice is one of the greatest sources of protein in the plant kingdom? Our body needs 46 to 56 grams of protein per day and every cup of brown rice offers us at least 5 grams of protein.
Here’s why and how you should make every meal protein rich with organic brown rice:
Organic brown rice contains amino acids:
If not all, brown rice contains the basic amino acids required to generate proteins. That is why the ideal way to have brown rice is to accompany it with beans (Soybeans, kidney beans, etc.) and lentils. The combined efforts of these two protein-rich super-foods help every cell in our body because protein is the main nutrient responsible for the construction and repair of tissues in the organs, bones, muscle, etc.
Organic brown rice is rich in manganese:
Apart from being a source of protein, brown rice also helps in the synthesis of protein. The manganese present in brown rice helps your body to extract proteins from your food during digestion. Brown rice is a storehouse of 88% of manganese. Apart from the main meals, making your sweet dishes with brown rice can increase your protein intake in a tasty manner.
Organic brown rice is the perfect protein food for vegans and those who are lactose intolerant:
If you are a vegan you can’t consume protein in the form of milk, cheese, egg, etc. Similarly, if you are lactose sensitive then you have no choice but to stay away from dairy products despite them being high in protein content. If you belong to any of these categories, then including brown rice in every meal can help you make up for the protein content that you are losing out on.
Organic brown rice is essential for bodybuilding:
Protein is the building block for improving body mass, composition, and muscle power. That is why if you are a bodybuilder then brown rice is your go-to cereal. Apart from being an amazing source of protein, it is an excellent source of fibre and lecithin – two ingredients that help you keep in shape and lose excess fat. Moreover, as per certain researchers, the protein content in brown rice is pretty much competent with the protein element present in animal-based foods.
In order to get the best of health benefits from basmati brown rice opt for its natural and original form i.e. the organic version. With 24 Mantra, you get the guarantee of authenticity and purity of naturally grown cereals and more. To order one of the best organic brown rice available in India, click here now: http://www.24mantra.com/store-locator/