
Some common myths and misperceptions about eggs

Organic Food

Eggs are an affordable, nutrient dense food with high quality protein. For nutritionally vulnerable (poor, young, pregnant, elderly) group it is one of the best foods.

Importance of eggs

Eggs have been part of human diet for thousands of years. They are a powerhouse of nutrients. There are several factors that make eggs suitable for everyone.

  1. Source of many nutrients
  2. High quality protein
  3. Low calorific value
  4. Affordability
  5. Easily digestible
  6. Bland, can be made part of several foods
  7. Provide satiety value

Types of eggs

  1. Brown eggs are laid by brown feathered hens
  2. White eggs are laid by white feathered hens
  3. Free range eggs come from hens that are raised in barn housing systems, which also provide access to outdoors when weather permits.
  4. Fertile eggs are those eggs which have been fertilized and can be incubated and developed into chicks, as long as the eggs are not refrigerated.
  5. Commercial eggs are those which are laid by hens which are raised just for eggs in a controlled environment.

There are some myths and misconceptions about eggs


Brown eggs are healthier than white eggs, fertile eggs contain low or no cholesterol, free-range eggs have more nutritional value than commercial eggs.


There are no significant nutritional differences between white eggs, brown eggs, fertile eggs and free-range eggs; nutritional content is mostly determined by the hen’s diet


Eggs contain the hormones given to the hen to force her to lay eggs when the rooster is not around.


Hens lay eggs whether the rooster is present or not.  Hens are not given hormones to produce eggs in the absence of a rooster.


Antibiotics are given to hens to increase the number of eggs they lay. And these antibiotics end up in the eggs.


Antibiotics if there is a medical issue with the bids for therapeutic reasons. They have no effect on egg production.


Eggs that are sold in the store are a mixture of fertile and non-fertile eggs. The stringy stuff is the embryo.


Commercial eggs are not fertile. They can be included in a lactoovo- or ovo-vegetarian diet. The stringy substance or chalaza you see is an egg protein that fixes and sees that the yolk is in the center of the egg


Eating eggs can cause problems for the liver


There is no scientific evidence that says that egg affects liver health


Eggs with blood or meat spots in them are fertilized. And they have gone bad


The small meat or blood spot in the egg is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel during egg formation. There is no harm caused because of the spot, the egg can be eaten with it or if you wish remove it and eat


If an egg floats in water, it means it has gone bad


As the egg ages the air sac expands and this makes an egg to stand on end in water; this is not a sign that the egg is bad but that it is not fresh, it has aged.

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