Easy exercises to lose weight during office breaks

Easy exercises to lose weight during office breaks

easy exercises to loose weight

Easy exercises to lose weight during office breaks

Organic Lifestyle

Lunch break is not just about having lunch. It is a time of self care where you can squeeze in simple exercises at home. 

When we are working in the office, we all are desperately waiting for the lunch break. But things are really no different in the scenario of work from home as well. It is better to draw the boundaries of personal and professional and have our lunch at the usual time only. But instead of just having lunch and lying on the couch, you could use this lunch break in a more productive way. You could do some easy exercises to lose weight and improve your overall wellbeing.

You can do many simple exercises at home without the help of any trainer and expensive tools. Let’s take a look at some easy exercises to lose weight that can be done at home. 

Easy Exercises During Lunch Break

  • On the spot, jogging

This is a very simple and effective way of warming you up for some workout during the lunch break. You can easily do this at your home. Just start jogging on the spot. For doing some variations you can move a few steps sideways, backwards and forward. You can also jog in small circles, both clockwise and anticlockwise. These variations challenge your muscles and save you from the boredom of just jogging on the spot. Do it for a few minutes. You can later on start adding weights to your wrist. You don’t need to buy anything. Just put a few coins in a packet and tie it to your wrist. It will make your blood flow through your entire body faster and warm it up for more complex and demanding exercises. 

  • Burpee

Quite often, we keep looking for different things when the commonly tried and tested methods work the best. Burpee is a common exercise that is also an extremely effective full body exercise. It is one of those easy exercises to lose weight, but it can become difficult with slight variations and an increasing number of repetitions. When you become stronger, you can add weights in your shin while doing burpees or you can club it with other exercises like plank. 

  • Crunches

You can do crunches to strengthen your core. It is very effective in improving the strength of your abs. 

Along with these you can incorporate plank, frog jump, jumping jacks, on the spot running on toes and high knees in your lunch break exercises. These are easy exercises to lose weight, and they also improve your overall fitness. You can do these simple exercises at home. They won’t just help you lose extra pounds but also boost your overall wellness.

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