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We have come to attach a superior significance to words like ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ on food labels, surprisingly, without quite understanding what they mean for the food that we consume, and how is organic food grown. As per estimates, the Indian food market for organic produce is likely to hit the mark of INR 100000 million in 2020, a number which may have arisen from a mere INR 40000 million in 2018. What is it that pumps this craze for ‘organically produced’?
How did organic food come to earn the occupy a spot of prestige over commonly grown food crops? Why should you opt to cook food made with organic ingredients for your kids and family? Here is a complete guide which will tell give you the right answers.
Did you know that the vegetables and fruits which you purchase from regular vendors on the roadside may be laced with pesticides and chemicals on it? The residue of these harmful components could be as high as 50% to 70% in this production. Unless you devote a considerable time to wash off your daily purchase of fruits and vegetables, it is highly likely for these chemicals to make their way into your meals. The solution? Organically grown foods which are grown in sustainable conditions without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Let us find out how is organic food grown, which will give you a better picture of why organic is the way to go.
Fertilisers | Use of natural fertilisers such as compost and manure | Use of synthetic and chemical fertilisers |
Control over weeds | Natural control over weeds using crop rotation, weeding with hands, tilling, mulching or using approved grade organic herbicides | Use of chemical herbicides |
Pest control | Natural methods such as insect traps and birds | Use of synthetic pesticides |
Food for livestock | Only organic and hormone and GMO-free food for livestock | Growth hormones and GMO rich feed to induce quick growth |
Prevention of disease | Use of natural methods such as rotational grazing, feeding a healthy diet, clean housing and more | Use of antibiotics and medicines |
Access to outdoors | Livestock has access to outdoors | No access |
The points above highlight how is organic food grown to ensure that at every stage, no harmful products are introduced into the cycle of production. As a result, organic food tends to offer a host of benefits to the consumers along with a healthy dose of nutrition and good taste.
Today, many people question how is organic food grown and want to know how it is different than the food which they purchase regularly. Strict government regulations have imposed tight guidelines on how is organic food grown and marketed today. You should always check the label on your food to ensure that you are buying right.
Organic farmers understand how the final product is impacted by anything that goes into the soil. It is for this reason that they observe a strict vigil over the practices which they use to enrich the soil and grow the crops. In addition to the one’s mentioned above, they also observe cover cropping and dense planting to achieve the benefits of organic farming.
This is done to ensure that plants remain enriched with the nutrients which they need to grow and also remain safe for consumption. The reason why organically grown food tastes so much better and possesses higher nutritional content lies in the frame of how is organic food grown. Due to the rich absorption of macro and micronutrients, they are loaded with higher nutritional content.
Now that you know how is organic food grown, it may not be hard for you to understand why organic food leads to increase in biodiversity and a significant decrease in the impact that the environment has to suffer as a result.
Today, every brand marketing a food item as ‘organic’ is required to obtain certification from two distinct regulatory bodies in India. As per the guidelines laid down by them, here are a few elements which must be present in the packaging of organic food items:
Usually, all organic food items are packed in biodegradable, recyclable, eco-friendly and reusable packaging items which must not contaminate food items. This is a sure way to know how is organic food grown and packaged into a convenient format for your use.
So now you know how is organic food grown, packaged and labelled to come to you as a form of nutrition which is devoid of everything which could put the health of your family at risk. Naturally, it is clear why organic food is a better choice for everyone today.
It is interesting to note how growing organic produce is also good for ecology and sustainable for the environment as a whole.
Try 24 Mantra Organic’s range of products and savour the taste of organic goodness.