Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
Any food that promotes satiety can be very useful in losing weight. Peanuts is a high satiety food with lower calories and hence aids weight loss.
Food that promotes satiety, curbs hunger, and as a result helps control obesity and aids weight loss. Obesity is the mother of all diseases. High satiety food can play an instrumental role in weight loss and helps to lead a healthier life.
Many studies have found that snacking on peanuts increases satiety and aids weight loss. Before we understand how peanuts improve satiety, let’s know more about peanuts.
Peanut, which is also known as the groundnut, is a legume crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics. It is classified as a grain legume, and as an oil crop, because of its high oil content.
Peanuts are similar in taste and nutritional profile to “tree nuts” like almonds. That is why peanuts are used in a similar fashion as a nut in western cuisine. The peanut is not a nut. However, they are usually categorized as “nuts” for culinary purposes due to its taste and nutrition. 100 grams of raw peanuts contains following nutrients:
The protein content of peanuts ranges from 22 to 30% of its total calories, making it a great source of plant-based protein.
Although one has to be careful about the most abundant proteins in peanuts, arachin and conarachin as they can be severely allergic to some people, causing life-threatening reactions.
Peanuts promote Satiety
Many studies have found out that peanuts, due to its high dietary fiber and protein content, naturally curbs hunger by promoting a sense of satiety. The study titled, “Effects of Chronic Peanut Consumption on Energy Balance and Hedonics,” published in the August issue of the International Journal of Obesity (Vol. 26, Issue 8, p.1129-37) observes, when people ate peanuts, they felt very satisfied and naturally decreased food consumption at other times of the day.
Try 24 Mantra Organic’s peanut and savour the taste of organic goodness.