Including Ragi In Your Diet For Weight Loss
Brown rice is certainly one of the most popular cereals in an Indian household. Cooked with variations for different occasions, rice accounts as religious must-have for many. And with interesting brown rice recipes, eat healthy also becomes interesting.
With an endless number of varieties available in the market, it is important that we make the right decision while choosing our everyday must-have.
We all must have heard or read it somewhere that organic brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice i.e. because during processing only the outermost layer (known as hull) is removed.
Since organic brown rice is high in fibre content you can feel fuller by having small quantities. So, enough with the brown rice benefits, we think! It is time to come to the tastier section, ‘The Sumptuous Brown Rice Recipes’, the very purpose of writing the blog in the first place.
Brown rice recipe no. 1:
Brown Rice Salad
We bet you would not have heard about these brown rice recipes before, but this is one of the easiest, hassle-free, and fulfilling dishes to prepare when you are running short on time.
Brown rice recipe no. 2
Mushroom brown rice
If you are someone who enjoys mushroom as much as we, you ought to try this of the brown recipes.
Brown rice recipe no. 3
Carrot ginger brown rice
Chinese and coconut, the 2C’s that can glorify any dish. Prepare and enjoy the easy to make carrot ginger brown rice at the comfort of your home and enjoy similar brown rice recipes, adding beets and other vegetables in place of carrot.
Brown rice recipe no. 4
Classic brown rice pulav
Give a healthier twist to your nutrient rich pulav by using organic brown rice
Brown rice recipe no. 5
Health Nut Brown Rice
A healthy and tasty bowl of organic brown rice is a big yes for everyone! especially with brown rice recipies like these.
Try these brown rice recipes for yourself and don’t forget to tag and tell us your favourite out of the five.