Immunity Boosting Tea - 24 Mantra

Immunity Boosting Tea Options You need


These Immunity Boosting Tea Options Are Just What You Need



  • Know how tea can boost immunity.
  • What are the 5 immunity boosting teas you can have?

The accidental discovery of tea sure happened back in 2737 BC in China, but it is a deliberate favourite of the Indian people. Black tea when boiled with milk and some other seasonings makes the famous Indian chai. But there are different teas and different ways of drinking them that you may have no idea about.

There are teas to calm anxiety, like chamomile tea or an immunity boosting tea like green tea. These are grown, right here in India. Organically grown teas retain the original, rich flavour and are grown in tea gardens without any chemicals. If you decide to use any of the teas in your diet, always opt for the organic variety.

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5 Immunity Boosting Tea Options For You

Try an immunity boosting tea to bulletproof your health from the ongoing pandemic. Here are some options.

1. Green Tea

The benefits of green tea are immense. It protects against oxidants and free radicals that cause diseases in our body. According to a review published in the journal ‘Chinese Medicine‘, green strengthens the immune system in humans.

The review also states that green tea protects against diseases like cancer and also helps in reducing cardiovascular risk. This is mainly because of its catechin content.

How to prepare:

Boil a cup of water, then turn off the heat. Either add green tea leaves or pour water of your green tea bag. Let is steep for 1 to 3 minutes. If you don’t like your tea strong, you can taste it after a minute and then every 30 seconds to figure out the right steeping time for you.

2. Tulsi Tea

Tulsi or holy basil has therapeutic effects for the human immune system. It also helps with other lifestyle-related diseases. This was mentioned in a research published in the ‘Evidence-Based, Complementary and Alternative Medicine‘ journal.

Drink tulsi tea for a quick immunity boost!

How to prepare:

Get 4-5 fresh Tulsi leaves. Boil water and add the leaves in the vessel. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Then strain and drink. You can also add tulsi leaves to green tea or black tea.

3. Ginger Lemon Tea

Research published in the ‘International Journal of Preventive Medicine‘ found that ginger raises the immunity levels in our body. It may also have an anti-cancer effect.

Lemon too helps our immune system in multiple ways. This was supported by research published in the journal ‘Nutrients‘.

You can combine both these ingredients to prepare an immunity boosting tea.

How to prepare:

Boil water, add crushed ginger and let it brew for 2 minutes. Strain in a cup and add some lemon juice.

4. Peppermint Tea

This one is a ‘cool’ tea. It is refreshing and has anti-viral, anti-microbial and antioxidant properties among other health benefits. This was mentioned in a review published in the journal, ‘Phytotherapy Research‘.

This will become your new favourite!

How to prepare:

Boil water, until you see the first few bubbles. Turn off the heat, add peppermint tea leaves and cover for 2 minutes.

5. Ashwagandha Tea

The Natural University of Natural Medicine published an article talking about research where those who had ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) with cow’s milk, saw an increase in the number of white blood cells. It also improves cell-mediated immunity, according to ‘African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines‘. This is why having Ashwagandha tea is beneficial for improving immunity.

How to prepare:

Add Ashwagandha herb, preferably in powdered form to boiling water. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes, then strain and drink.

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Tea Time!

The immunity boosting tea is a way to bulletproof your health without any side effects. These teas also offer additional health benefits. And above all, they have absolutely no calories! Get organically grown ingredients for your teas and tisanes. You’ll be doing a favour to yourself and the environment.

Quick to make, all you need to keep in mind is the steeping time. Don’t add them to boiling water. The water has to be hot. The moment you notice the first few bubbles, turn off the heat. Or even better, get an electric heater.

Some people prefer to add honey, mint leaves, lemon, pepper etc. to enhance the taste. You can do that too. Just avoid sugar. Also, avoid using tea dust, use whole tea leaves for maximum benefit.

Go ahead, brew your first cup of immunity boosting tea now!

Try 24 Mantra Organics’s Tea range and boost your immunity with our oragnic tea range!

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