
Top 5 Python libraries for Computer vision DEV Community

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TensorFlow and Keras are widely used libraries for machine learning, but they also offer excellent support for computer vision tasks. TensorFlow provides pre-trained models like Inception and ResNet for image classification, while Keras simplifies the process of building, training, and evaluating deep learning models. TensorFlow is one of the easiest computer vision tools and allows users to develop computer vision-related machine learning models for tasks like facial recognition, image classification, object detection, and more. Tensorflow, like OpenCV, also supports various languages like Python, C, C++, Java, or JavaScript. Caffe is a deep learning framework known for its speed and efficiency in image classification tasks. It comes with a model zoo containing pre-trained models for various image-related tasks.

Library Reference

While it’s slightly less user-friendly than some other libraries, its performance makes it a valuable asset for high-speed image processing applications. Dlib is a versatile library that excels in face detection, facial landmark detection, image alignment, and more. It offers pre-trained models and tools for various machine learning tasks, making it a valuable asset for computer vision projects requiring accurate facial analysis. It boasts a vast collection of algorithms and functions that facilitate tasks such as image and video processing, feature extraction, object detection, and more.

  1. Created with a view of providing a common infrastructure for computer vision applications, OpenCV allows access to 2,500-plus classic and state-of-the-art algorithms.
  2. For real-world computer vision projects, the TensorFlow Lite is a lightweight implementation for on-device machine learning with edge devices.
  3. One of the most common object detectors is the Viola-Jones algorithm, also known as Haar cascades.

Build any Computer Vision Application, 10x faster

It is a complete library with all the basic and advanced features that one may require to develop a computer vision application. While working in the industry for almost 10 years, we have come across many of those tools to build commercial computer vision systems. At, we power the leading no-code computer vision platform Viso Suite, included in the list below. Viso Suite is the all-in-one solution for teams to build, deliver, scale computer vision applications.

Best Python Libraries For Computer Vision

If you’re brand new to the world of Computer Vision and Image Processing, I would recommend you read Practical Python and OpenCV. Prior to working with video (both on file and live video streams), you first need to install OpenCV on your system. If you would like to take the next step, I would suggest reading my new book, Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision. Mask R-CNN is arguably the most popular instance segmentation architecture. In order to perform instance segmentation you need to have OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Keras installed on your system. Object tracking algorithms are more of an advanced Computer Vision concept.

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So far we’ve learned how to build an image search engine to find visually similar images in a dataset. In the above tutorial you’ll learn how to combine color with locality, leading to a more accurate image search engine. You’ll learn how to create your own datasets, train models on top of your data, and then deploy computer vision libraries the trained models to solve real-world projects. Just as image classification can be slow on embedded devices, the same is true for object detection as well. The Viola-Jones algorithm was published back in 2001 but is still used today (although Deep Learning-based object detectors obtain far better accuracy).

The best way to improve your Deep Learning model performance is to learn via case studies. You are given images of the bedroom, bathroom, living room, and house exterior. I’ll wrap up this section by saying that transfer learning is a critical skill for you to properly learn. Imagine if you were working for Tesla and needed to train a self-driving car application used to detect cars on the road.

Before you can apply OCR to your own projects you first need to install OpenCV. You’ll note that this tutorial does not rely on the dlib and face_recognition libraries — instead, we use OpenCV’s FaceNet model. Now that you have some experience with face detection and facial landmarks, let’s practice these skills and continue to hone them. OpenCV’s face detector is accurate and able to run in real-time on modern laptops/desktops. The Install your face recognition libraries of this tutorial will help you install both dlib and face_recognition. From there, you’ll need to install the dlib and face_recognition libraries.

On modern laptops/desktops you’ll be able to run some (but not all) Deep Learning-based object detectors in real-time. Scikit-image is a user-friendly library for image processing and computer vision tasks. It provides a wide range of algorithms for tasks such as image segmentation, feature extraction, and morphological operations. With scikit-image, you can perform advanced manipulations on images without delving into complex mathematical details. Faster than all other object detection tools out there, YOLO owes its speed to the application of a neural network to the complete image, which then partitions the image into grids.

His work on satellite image analysis at Esri now impacts millions of people across the world daily — and it’s truly a testament to his hard work. You see, Kapil is a long-time PyImageSearch reader who read Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python (DL4CV) last year. However, we cannot spend all of our time neck deep in code and implementation — we need to come up for air, rest, and recharge our batteries. And if you’ve been following this guide, you’ve seen for yourself how far you’ve progressed. CBIR is the primary reason I started studying Computer Vision in the first place.

Its package comprises common datasets, model architectures, and regular computer vision image transformations. TorchVision is Naturally Python and it can be used for Python and C++ languages. The PyImageSearch Gurus course includes over 40+ lessons on building image search engines, including how to scale your CBIR system to millions of images. As your CBIR system becomes more advanced you’ll start to include sub-steps between the main steps, but for now, understand that those four steps will be present in any image search engine you build. Finally, you’ll note that we utilized a number of pre-trained Deep Learning image classifiers and object detectors in this section.

Many of the ease-of-use and interface ideas fromthe original Pyvision are carried forward, albeit with new implementations for Pyvision3. Please read the contribution guidelines before starting work on a pull request. How to use the DeepFace Library to apply Deep Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis with the most powerful Face Recognition models. It supports various programming languages, including C, C++, Python, Fortran, or MATLAB, and is also compatible with most operating systems. In this article, we explore the most popular computer vision tools and their uses, to help you make informed decisions when selecting the right tool for your project. In 2012 OpenCV development team actively worked on adding extended support for iOS.

The Raspberry Pi can absolutely be used for Computer Vision and Deep Learning (but you need to know how to tune your algorithms first). From there you’ll want to go through the steps in the Deep Learning section. If you’re interested in studying Computer Vision in more detail, I would recommend the PyImageSearch Gurus course. Prior to working through this section you’ll need to install OpenCV on your system. Therefore, we need an intermediary algorithm that can accept the bounding box location of an object, track it, and then automatically update itself as the object moves about the frame.

The OpenVINO toolkit comes with models for several tasks like object detection, face recognition, colorization, movement recognition, and more. To learn more about this tool, I recommend you to read the article What is OpenVINO? This framework is written in the C++ programming language and supports multiple deep learning architectures related to image classification and segmentation. It is especially useful for research purposes and industrial implementation due to its excellent speed and image processing capabilities. MATLAB is a programming platform that is useful for a range of different applications such as machine learning, deep learning, and image, video, and signal processing.

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